St. Scholastica auf altenglisch
Se halga wer hæfde ane eawfæste swustor, Scolastica gehaten, seo wæs
fram cildhade Gode gehalgod, on mægðhade him ðeowigende, on gehendnysse
his mynstres wunigende; þa geneosode se halga wer symle æne ymbe geares
ymbrene. Þa gecom he sume dæge to hyre cytan æfter gewunan mid sumum
his gebroðrum, and hi ealne ðone dæg on Godes herungum and halgum
spræcum adrugon. Efne ða on æfnunge, ðaða hi æt gereorde sæton, cwæð þæt
halige mæden to hire arwurðfullan breðer, "Ic bidde ðe, broðer min, ne
forlæt ðu me on þissere nihte, þæt wit magon smeagan ymbe gefean þæs
heofenlican lifes oð merigen." Ða andwyrde se arwurða broðor, "Hwaet
cweðst þu, sweoster? Ne mæg ic nateshwon buton mynstre nihtes wunian."
And wæs ða swa stille weder, þæt nan wolcn næs on ðære lyfte gesewen.
Hwæt ða, seo mynecynu, ðaða heo his andsæc gehyrde, beclypte hire neb
mid handum, and ahylde hire heafod to ðære mysan, biddende þone
Ælmihtigan Drihten. Þa mid ðam ðe heo hire heafod of ðære mysan ahefde,
ða abærst swa micel ðunor and liget, and swilc storm yðigende feoll, swa
þæt se halga wer and his gebroðra ne mihton, for ðam ormætan gyte,
heora fet of ðære cytan astyrian. Ða cwæð se halga wer to his sweoster,
"Arie ðe se Ælmihtiga God, sweoster: hwæt hæfst þu gedon?" Heo andwyrde,
"Efne ic bæd þe, and þu me noldest tiðian; ða bæd ic minne Drihten, and
he me gehyrde. Gang nu to mynstre, gif ðu mage, and me ana forlæt." He
ða ne mihte buton ðam hrofe acuman, ac ðær wunode þa niht unwilles, seðe
sylfwilles nolde. And hi ealle ða niht mid halgum spræcum þæs gastlican
lifes ðurhwacole aspendon.
Eft siððan ymbe ðry dagas stod se halga wer on his gebedum, and beseah ut, and geseah ðære ylcan mynecene his sweoster sawle lædan to heofenan, on anre culfran hiwe. He ða hire wuldres blissigende, ðam Ælmihtigan Gode þancode, and hire forðsið his gebroðrum cyðde, and sende hi ðærrihte, þæt hi hire lic to mynstre feredon, and on his agenre byrgene, þær he sylf licgan wolde, mid arwurðnysse bebyrigdon; þæt heora lichaman on anre byrgene hi gereston, swa swa heora mod on annysse symle Gode ðeowode.
Labels: England, Mönche und Nonnen
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